News - Beyond Ruins: Reimagining Modernism

Beyond Ruins: Reimagining Modernism explores the potential of modern architecture renovation in the Global South as a catalyst for self-determination and community-building.

Edited by Raafat Majzoub and Nicolas Fayad.

With contributions by: Amale Andraos, Elias and Yousef Anastas, George Arbid, Aaron Betsky, Sibel Bozdogan, Costica Bradatan, Aziza Chaouni, Marco Costantini, Civil Architecture, Farrokh Derakhshani, EAST Architecture Studio, Fadi El Abdallah, Farès el-Dahdah, Nicolas Fayad, Sarah Mineko Ichioka, Charles Kettaneh, Bernard Khoury, Raafat Majzoub, Noura Al Sayeh Holtrop, Sumayya Vally, Ana Tostões, Nader Tehrani, Jozef Wouters, and Akram Zaatari.

Preservation talks to memory; it reclaims context and builds upon it. We believe in preservation as a driver of design thinking because we are concerned with reactions and interpretation of places and environments. With projects that include existing structures, we are often invited to change the functions of these structures. Such projects share the particularity of being resolutely optimistic. Not only do they challenge us to acknowledge and preserve the past; they also force us to accept existing architectural expressions as hosts for new programmatic and tectonic use that often pays no respect to its original intent.

Excerpt from EAST Architecture Studio’s essay ‘Modern Memoir’, Beyond Ruins: Reimagining Modernism