Our Niemeyer Guest House Renovation in its final completion stages
Our Niemeyer Guest House Renovation in its final completion stages
We’re excited to share that our Competition Proposal was selected as the Winning Entry for a Mixed-Use Arena to be built in Lagos, Nigeria! Click below for more info.
East Architecture Studio proudly commissioned to envision the adaptive reuse of the guest house at the Oscar Niemeyer’s Tripoli Fair | November 2017
Landform Design Studio | American University of Beirut | Fall 2017 | Instructors : Nicolas Fayad, Mustapha Jundi, Sinan Hassan | Students : Jana Semaan, Karim Rifai, Ali Munzer, Nour Ghosn, Riad Tabbara
Brainstorming with the great Dia Azzawi | August 2017
Ykone office space in Dubai Design District nears completion | January 2017
East Architecture Studio Open House for During Beirut Design Week | June 2015