Talk - Mohammed Bin Rashid Library Dubai

A private talk on space creation, materials and locality in the Middle East, moderated by Talib Choudhry.

'As the first pavilion to be given new life in the Fair, the project signals growing interest in capturing the site’s lost economic potential. Paradoxically, the programmatic use of the new space is ephemeral. Used as a design platform and prototyping facility for the next three years, the Guest House could one day reclaim its original use. This paradox makes the intervention reversible through time: the lightweight partitions, lighting fixtures and machinery could be removed, leaving room for another program to take over; however, the integrity of the original design intent would stay untouched.'

'Located between the Port of Beirut and the foot hills to the south of the city, our recently completed light-well townhouse is a point of architectural intrigue atop an existing mid rise development. The multi-level home, compact in plan, is rethought as a vertical ascension, capturing void and natural light, where strategic incisions introduce skylights and vertical circulation, in a heightened domestic experience.'

—Excerpts from EAST Architecture Studio's conference at the Mohammed Bin Rashid Library Dubai